Mark Key Emphasis and Pronunciation
When writing a script for a teleprompter, consider marking up the text to indicate words or phrases that require emphasis. Use bold or italic formatting to highlight important points or emotions that should be conveyed. This will allow the speaker to pick up on cues for when to raise or lower their voice, or when to slow down and create emphasis.
Another useful technique is including phonetic spellings for any challenging words or names, particularly if the speaker might be unfamiliar with them. This is especially important for speakers using a second language or when the content includes technical terminology. For example, if there’s a word that could be mispronounced or cause hesitation, spelling it out phonetically can prevent awkward pauses or mistakes.
Finally, practice makes perfect. Once the script is finalized, it’s beneficial to do a dry run on the Prompt-it teleprompter to ensure that the emphasis and pronunciation markings are clear and easy to follow. This will give the speaker a chance to practice pacing and emphasis, reducing the likelihood of mistakes during the actual recording or live presentation.